Friday, December 2, 2011

Why the rush?

One thing that strikes me as odd about HR3012 is that it's being rushed through the process.

The bill was pushed forward in the House of Representatives.  It was not considered in subcommittee.  The amendments offered in the Judiciary Committee markup weren't even allowed to be considered, but were rejected by the Chair as being "not germane".  They couldn't even have it considered in the House under regular order, but had to consider it under Suspension of the Rules.

What is in there that they don't want you to know about?  Is it that they don't want you looking at who is pushing the bill?  Is it that the bill is tailor designed to benefit two countries (India and China) only to the detriment of all others?

The Senate needs to consider this bill carefully and not rush a bad piece of legislation through.

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